
Beginning in the 2015 season, the NHTA introduced a proctoring system, where all ballots will be read over by two proctors and given a score on a scale of 1 to 5 stars (at half point intervals).

  • 5 stars: all comments support scores, comments are good (contain specific examples and feedback both positive and negative)
  • 4 stars: most comments support scores, comments are good
  • 3 stars: some comments support scores, comments are fair (some contain specific examples and feedback)
  • 2 stars: comments  do not support scores, comments are fair
  • 1 star:   comments do not support scores, comments are poor (contains no specific examples, nor feedback)

If an adjudicator completes a minimum of 3 ballots and averages a 4 or above at the end of the season the adjudicator will NOT be required to attend training the following season.  Adjudicators not completing at least 3 ballots will have to take training no matter their average. 

Individual ballots scoring a 1 or 2 may be returned with feedback to the adjudicator for improvement.

While not mandatory, we urge all adjudicators to send comments and scores to your liaison for feedback before submission.  Liaisons should keep in mind the above matrix when reviewing ballots.  If you can’t approximately guess the score from the comments then they do not support the scores.

Created 1/26/2015
Modified 1/26/2015