Dear Friends,

Each year, there are those among us who take a final bow.  The annual NH Theatre Awards Show includes a time for remembering those theatre friends and associates who are no longer with us.

We need your help to put together the "In Memoriam" presentation for this year’s Awards Show. If you know of any theatre friend who passed away since February 5, 2011 we ask that you help us remember them.  Please forward this email to anyone who can help us remember past friends.

Please email submissions for "In Memoriam" by January 15th
Submitted persons need not have been residing in NH but must have spent some time working in NH-based theatre. 


  • Full Name
  • Affiliated Theatre Company or Companies
  • Town/State of last residence (if known)
  • Photo – higher resolution the better - a way to tell is the bigger the file size, the better the
  • image

Send all information and photo to

Thank you for helping us in taking time to remember our friends in theatre who left us in 2011.


Please forward this email to anyone who can help us remember past friends

Thursday, January 05, 2012 3:30:00 PM Categories: Awards Show


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