The After Party for the 10th Annual Theatre Awards at maximum capacity.  All RSVPs received on or after January 19th, 2012 will be placed on a "standby list". 

Those on the "standby list" will be let into the After Party a short while after the After Party officially begins- and as room allows in the venue.


The official "After Party" will be held at Boynton's Taproom in Manchester NH immediately following the 10th Annual NH Theatre Awards.

The official NH Theatre Awards "After Party" is sponsored by RBC Wealth Management, Paul & Donna Metzger, Ameriprise Financial, and Actorsingers.

Boynton's Taproom is a premier function facility in the heart of downtown Manchester and is located just minutes from the Palace Theatre in the Mill district.

There will be a free buffet provided by Fratello's Restaurant, music, dancing, and Boynton's famous bar will be available to purchase beverages.

Date: Friday, February 3rd, 2012
Time: 10:30pm - 12:30am
Location: Boynton's Taproom
               155 Dow St. 3rd FL
               Manchester, NH 03101
RSVP your intention to attend the "After Party" or directly email  Please respond with how many guests will be attending in your name and you will be placed on a "Standby list".

NHTA Best wishes for all of this years nominees!

Gina Carballo & Donna Metzger

After Party Co-Chairs






Please forward this email to anyone attending the NH Theatre Awards show


Friday, January 20, 2012 3:41:00 PM Categories: After Party Awards Show


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