NH Theatre Awards


Obligations of Participating Theatre Companies


Each participating Theatre must submit an "Annual Application Form" each year that they wish to participate.

The company must declare the number of shows it wishes to submit for adjudication that year, including tentative dates. (see "Productions / Eligibility").

Upon submission of the application form, the theatre company affirms that they meet the eligibility requirements for participation. (see "Theatre Companies / Eligibility"). All applications are subject to NHTA approval.



Each Theatre Company can request to have up to 2 productions (Musical or Drama/Comedy) adjudicated per NHTA calendar year per prodcution category. A third production is permitted in each category  if at least one (1) of the 3 submissions is an original play. (see "Productions / Categories / Original Play"). The details for these shows (titles, dates, venue etc...) must be entered into the NHTA website by the company liaison prior to the published deadline so that adjudicator assignments may be made in a timely manner. (see "Productions / Submissions").



Each participating Theatre Company must provide one (1) and only one person to serve as Liaison. The Liaison is the main point of communication between the theatre company and the NH Theatre Awards. The NHTA provides mandatory annual training for Liaisons. (see "Liaisons / Obligations"). It is the Theatre Companies responsibility to ensure that their Liaison attends the required training.



Each participating Theatre Company must provide at least one (1) person to serve as a Primary Adjudicator for each (1) production they request to have adjudicated. Adjudicators are expected to adjudicate up to six (6) productions each year.  Companies are free to provide additional people to serve as Back-Up Adjudicators, and the NHTA encourages them to do so, if able. Providing at least one (1) adjudicator per show submitted ensures that there will be enough adjudicators to cover all submissions in the NHTA calendar year.  The NHTA provides mandatory annual training for adjudicators. (see "Adjudicators / Obligations). It is the theatre company's responsibility to ensure that their Adjudicators attend the required training.  It is also the theatre company's responsibility to maintain the minimum number of required adjudicators throughout the year.  If an adjudicator resigns or is otherwise unable to serve, the company may upgrade one of its Back-Up adjudicators to Primary status to complete the year.   If the company does not have the needed Back-Up adjudicator, they may petition the NHTA to solicit an "unaffiliated" Back-Up adjudicator to serve. If no replacement can be found, the company may be required to rescind any productions following through to the end of the year.



Each participating Theatre Company must set aside at no cost six (6) tickets per production run, one (1) for each adjudicator brought in to judge their production.

