3 Remaining NHTA "12" Training Dates and Locations

Participating NH Theatre Awards Theatre Companies should make plans for their Adjudicators and Liaisons to attend the required annual NH Theatre Award Training. To be an Adjudicator or Liaison you must attended training. Anyone is welcome to attend the Adjudicator & Liaison training.

NOTE: You do not need to be affiliated with a theater company to become an adjudicator.
... Please RSVP your planned
attendance date via Email

The remaining three training sessions for the upcoming season are:

Thursday, January 17th from 6:30pm-9:30pm
@ "Jewish Federation" Manchester Community Theatre Players in Manchester NH DIRECTIONS

Saturday, January 19th from 9:30am-12:30pm
@ NCCA Theatre, 10 Papermill Dr., Lincoln NH DIRECTIONS

Saturday, February 2nd from 9:30am-12:30pm
@ The Players Studio, Community Players of Concord NH, 432 Josiah Bartlett Rd, Concord, NH DIRECTIONS

Please RSVP your planned attendance date to Training@NHTheatreAwards.org

If less than 6 people sign up for an training session we will cancel the session. So please RSVP if you plan to attend.

Cancellations due to weather will be announced via email and on our website www.NHTheatreAwards.org 12 hours in advance.

Please make plans to attend in person. There will not be any exceptions this year.

Please email Training@NHTheatreAwards.org with your RSVP or with any questions.
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