Have you taken the Show Survey yet? (Closes March 1st) 

We encourage everyone who attended the 11th Annual NH Theatre Awards show to take the anonymous online survey before it closes on March 1st, 2013.


It takes just a minute to answer the 9 simple questions about the night.

We welcome you to let us know your thoughts of the night and what we could do to improve or let us know how well we did!

And thank you to our great production team, our sponsors RBC Wealth Management, NH Magazine, and Amerirprise Financial for being a large part of the best NH Theatre Awards Night yet!

Posted by Joe Vago Tuesday, February 26, 2013 9:04:00 AM Categories: Awards Show NH Theatre Award News

NHTA "11" Adjudicator Comments Now Available 

Liaisons for NHTA season "11" are now able to retrieve Adjudicator Comments from the NHTA 11 (2012) Adjudication Website

Liaisons for NHTA season "11" are now able to retrieve Adjudicator Comments from the NHTA 11 (2012) Adjudication Website.

Liaisons can login to the NHTA 11 website which is now located at http://www.nhtheatreawards.org/adjudication11/

Login with the same ID & Password you have been using.  If there is a problem with the password please use the "I Forgot My Password" feature. 

If your Login ID is not recognized please email us at Admin@NHTheatreAwards.org

IMPORTANT: The NHTA 11 Website and the NHTA 12 website are *not* connected.  Changing your password on 1 site will *not* affect the other site.

At the top of the main page you will see a note to Liaisons about retrieving comments.  Click the link on the word HERE to access the comments.

If you experience a technical issue please email me directly at Support@NHTheatreAwards.org

Thank you for your patience and understanding on the delay in retrieving this years comments.

Joe Vago
NHTA Webmaster

Posted by Joe Vago Monday, February 11, 2013 11:26:00 PM Categories: NH Theatre Award News

Take the Survey for 11th Annual NH Theatre Awards 

The anonymous online survey of the 11th Annual NH Theatre Awards Night is now available at


If you attended the show we ask that you please take 2 minutes to answer the 9 questions about the night.

We welcome you to let us know your thoughts of the night and what we could do to improve or let us know how well we did!

And thank you to our great production team for one of the best Awards Nights yet!


Tuesday, February 05, 2013 3:55:00 PM